Student Solution


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Discussion for Module 1 - Lesson 1

Discussion for Module 1 - Lesson 1

Q Discussion Prompt: "Tell me why you put these cards in this order." During this discussion you will be using your senses to collect observations and infer conclusions based on a set of 13 images. This activity offers the opportunity to highlight the differences between observation and inference, and between data and evidence. You can find the images in the pdf file below (this is a downloadable pdf file). Follow these steps: Step 1: Click on the link below to view/download the set of 13 images. Images: The Process of Science Images.pdf Download The Process of Science Images.pdf Step 2: • Make sense of these pictures by placing them in chronological order, by using the title of each image. As you work to “reconstruct the past” you should pay particular attention to the ways that you make decisions about the order of the cards. Also pay attention to the prior knowledge and beliefs you brought to bear in developing the sequence of cards. • Write 1- 2 short paragraphs describing the storyline based on the observations and inferences you made based on these images. In other words, describe the decision for why you put one card before another. Step 3: select a card (any card) and write two observations of that card, two inferences that derive from those observations, and the prior knowledge or experience that influenced their inferences. Step 4: Did you change your mind about your interpretations after reading the other classmates entires? Instructions: For your Initial Post due by Thursday , 11:59 PM: • Hit the reply button, below. For your Response to at least 2 classmates due by Sunday , 11:59 PM: • Respond to at least two other classmates’ posts. Note if your classmates present an evidence that may influence you to change your storyline. ________________________________________ Discussion Guidelines Read and respond to others' posts as well, keeping in mind some basic rules for netiquette: • Be kind and respectful to others • Use full sentences • Don't use too much jargon • Treat others online as you wish to be treated • Use language that supports others

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Order of the Cards: Grandma and the Pig, Making Cookies, Pigs in the Window, Red Riding, Hood in the Woods, Pigs saw Red Riding Hood, The Wolf in Flowers, Pigs saw the Wolf, The Wolf in Bed, Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, Plotting, The Trap, and celebration. Grandma and the pig lived together in the woods. The mother of red ridding hood baked some cookies for the grandma and asked her to take cookies to the grandma’s home as the grandma was sick. One day Grandma finds out that her flowerbed has been ruined and she thought that it was done by the pigs. She got very angry and threw them out of the house.